How it all started! Call Your Sister Podcast!

How it all started! Call Your Sister Podcast!

by Astrid Ferguson

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Like all great ideas it starts by trial and error! I, Astrid and my sister, Alex talk a lot! And about everything! Alex said to me one day, “I want to venture into entrepreneurship but I don’t know how to start.” I was already knee deep into entrepreneurship. I had self-published two poetry/anthology books, The Serpent’s Rattle and Molt. I was also in the midst of building my coaching business from the ground up, while working full-time. So, I was really hoping Alex found her way without me. Ha! Wait till she reads this!

Naturally, as a big sister, I care deeply. So, I did a mini brainstorming session with Alex at my dinning room table. In case this is your first engagement with us, I, Astrid am the older sister and I love to cook! Alex is maso-menos in the kitchen and she is the younger sister ha-ha! Long story short, we ended up on the possibility of a podcast, wait till I share the names we came up with. We can save that for another post. I was letting go of my first solo podcast mostly highlighting creatives and writers in the earlier stages of their career ventures. It was called, “I mean… can we discuss?”

Catchy, right? Well I got bored doing it on my own so on to the next thing. This podcast was an idea we discussed and we didn’t do anything after the discussion. You can say, we didn’t take it too seriously. Then 2020 hit us in the face and the pandemic pimped slapped us with our bonnets. Suddenly, we missed connecting with others and with each other. We were so stressed out, child let me tell you! So we said, “F**k it, let’s do it!”

We researched some Latino podcast and thought how can we differentiate ourselves? There aren’t many Latino podcast out there and it all seemed rigid. That’s when the idea popped in our heads, let’s just talk like we do, as sisters but take it a step further. Let’s use this podcast as opportunity to unite Latinx and BIPOC communities. Let’s talk to our sisters and build a positive sisterhood community! Alex and I are very different with varying opinions. Alex is the rebel who ruminates and drops cuss words between every other word. She will get stuck on one particular word or sentence she dislikes and I Astrid, well am more of soft spoken a-hole as she calls me. I like to discuss topics that have duality. I always say there are three truths to every story. There is our truth, their truth and the truth of what happened.

We also live very different lives. Alex is a single mom living in Philly with my nephew who is autistic. She is also the editor of this podcast, she is a fantastic artist who doesn’t take it seriously and works full-time in HR. I, Astrid, am married with two boys who works full time as a consultant and try to balance coaching, writing and podcasting. We love reading and discussing topics that affect the BIPOC and Latinx communities. So there may be some rambling but trust there are nuggets underneath it all.

So come sister-friend. Join us and listen to our guest that we bring along as well. We promise we don’t bite, we may fight a little but show me two sisters who don’t ha-ha.


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